June 13 & 14 in Freeport!
Thursday, June 13, 2019
“Maine Day”
8:00 Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30 President’s Welcome, Hunter Tzovarras
8:45 2018-2019 Legislative and Rule Changes and Law Court Case
Law, Walter F. McKee
10:00 Break & Snacks
10:15 Worth Preserving: Interesting Issues Percolating Around the
Country, Jamesa Drake
11:30 Preventing Harassment, Discrimination, and Bullying in the Maine
Bar, Aria Eee & Roberta de Araujo
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Annual Meeting and President’s & Unsung Hero Awards
1:45 Beyond OUI: Maine Driving-Related Crimes and Consequences,
Ed Folsom
2:45 Break
3:00 “He Had It Comin’”: Affirmative Defenses in Practice, Luke Rioux &
Mark Peltier
4:00 MACDL Defender Reception
CLE CREDITS (Day 1): General Hours 5.5; 1 Harassment Ethics.
Friday, June 14, 2019
“National Day”
8:30 Registration & Continental Breakfast
9:00 Using Storytelling to Develop Winning Themes and Theory of the
Case, Keith Belzer
10:30 Break
10:45 Countering the Confession: Police Interrogation and False
Confessions, Megan Crane
12:15 Lunch
1:15 Litigating Scientific Evidence, Chris Fabricant
2:30 Break
2:45 What's Interrogation Got to Do With It?: Cross in Confession
Cases, Deja Vishny
4:00 Closing Remarks, Tina H. Nadeau
4:15 Adjourn
CLE CREDITS (Day 2): 5.50 General Hours.
Total for both days: 11 CLE Credit Hours, including 1 hour of Sexual Harassment/Discrimination Ethics credit.
The cost to attend both days is $400 for non-MACDL members; $350 for MACDL members.
To attend for one day only, the cost is $225 for members and $275 for non-MACDL members.
Written materials alone may be purchased for $75 for MACDL members and $100 for non-MACDL members.
Registrations are absolutely non-refundable after June 3rd.
Please contact Tina at mainemacdl@gmail.com with any questions or concerns.
Can't wait to see you!